Serving Ham Radio Operators in San Antonio and South Texas

San Antonio HamsSan Antonio Area Hams


Serving the Amateur Radio Community
in San Antonio and South Central Texas
since 2003



What Is all about?

San Antonio Hams is the only local web site that collects information about local San Antonio and South Central Ham Radio Operations, Clubs, Groups and Organizations in one convenient place. We strive to keep updated on what's happening in this area so that you don't have to search dozens of web sites and hang out on multiple radio nets all over the radio frequencies and calendar. We have listings for around two dozen local groups / clubs that have some connection to Ham Radio, plus links to regional and governmental agencies of interest.N5NTG Lee Besing photo

The content on this web site is mostly original creation by the webmaster, but some has been imported / borrowed from other web sites or hams with their permission. Credit is always given for material borrowed in such manner. If you feel you have something that would enhance the content of this web site, aimed a the lesser experienced hams, then feel free to submit it to the webmaster via email. Be sure to identify the original author if the item originated from another person or site. is not a club. It has no organization structure, no meetings, no existence outside of providing the content for this web site. The oriignal web site was introduced in July 2003. This latest web design was introduced in August 2006 and comments regarding the new design changes are welcomed via email.

Webmaster is Lee Besing, N5NTG, an active member of many of the clubs / groups referred to on this site. Lee can be reached by phone at 210-771-7075.

The web site has been sponsored by Digital Fortress, a local company that provides Business Continuity Planning & Services, including Off-site Data Backup Services and much more.

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